Steel Mills

Update: Labor Contract Negotiations

Written by Sandy Williams

The USW is taking a brief break from talks with US Steel. In an Oct. 27 update, the USW said US Steel continues to demand “major changes to health care benefits that would amount to thousands of dollars per year in added costs” for active works and retirees. The parties also wrangling over contract provisions on overtime, contracting out, transfers, SUB pay, severance and other issues. US Steel is also demanding control over the union’s health and safety representatives.

Negotiations have resumed with ArcelorMittal. The company has initiated open enrollment for 2016 insurance benefits and has shortened the time period for employees to make benefit changes. The USW is annoyed that union input was not sought by ArcelorMittal but has urged workers to make changes to their coverage options or enroll in the Flexible Spending Account if they wish to do so.

“We urge anyone who requests changes to make a copy of the election form, since we cannot trust management,” wrote the USW in an update to members.

The USW members continue to negotiate with Cliffs Natural Resources after agreeing to a one-month extension of their agreement.

No news on ATI. The lockout of 2200 employees has been ongoing for more than two months. ATI says production is at nearly normal levels while using temporary and salaried workers.

Automotive negotiations resulted in a tentative agreement between the UAW and General Motors. Voting by the membership on the proposed agreement will begin on Friday.

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