Steel Products Prices North America

Corrected Galvanized Coating Extra Analysis

Written by John Packard

On Tuesday of this week, SMU produced an article about the recent changes in coating extras by most (by not all) of the domestic mills. Within 30 minutes of publishing the article we knew we had made a couple errors of omission as we had The Techs with different extras that their parent company: Steel Dynamics. That was incorrect. We also went back and researched the mill websites to make sure we had not made any other errors and in the process found we had the wrong extras attached to AK Steel (their most recent adjustment in extras was March 19, 2015).

We think we’ve got it right this evening so here is our revised G90 galvanized coating extras table (ArcelorMittal USA website is a bit confusing as they state the extras are as of January 1, 2014 but they were revised December 1, 2014):

We are working with Lisa Reisman of Metal Miner to provide us details as to what has been happening with zinc which recently broke through a key resistance level. had zinc closing the day at $0.8174 per pound. This is off the lows seen in the later part of September and the early days of October when zinc was trading around $0.73 per pound. We hope to have more for our readers early next week.


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