Steel Mills

USW Contract Negotiations Continue, ATI Lockout Ending 2nd Month

Written by Sandy Williams

Contract negotiations continue to progress at ArcelorMittal and US Steel but at a very slow rate. The USW reported that the ArcelorMittal bargaining committee reached a “basic understanding with the company on some non-economic issues.”

At US Steel talks are at an impasse with the USW resisting concession demands. The bargaining committee headed home last weekend to provide status reports to local unions.

“Unfortunately, U.S. Steel continues to demand deep concessions, and the company has yet to move away from some of its most onerous proposals,” wrote the USW in an update to members “Also, the company has issued more WARN notices in anticipation of further layoffs, and we are awaiting more details about those decisions.”

“Our committee is well aware of the current crisis in the steel industry, and we are working hard to fight back against the effects of unfair trade, currency manipulation and global overcapacity. However, the changes that U.S. Steel is seeking at the bargaining table are unrelated to the current market crisis.”

“We will not be forced to accept harmful long-term concessions in response to a temporary crisis. Our bargaining committee is ready and willing to engage in meaningful and balanced discussions, but we are not interested in proposals that would gut our agreements and shift heavy costs to our active and retired members and their families.”

Workers at Allegheny Technologies have been on the picket line for two months after being locked out by ATI management on August 15. ATI reports most of its 12 plants are operating at pre-lockout levels using salaried and replacement workers.

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