Steel Mills

US Steel Granite City to Remain Open

Written by Sandy Williams

US Steel has decided not to close down the Granite City mill this month. Instead, 80 workers will be laid off and one blast furnace will be kept in operation. The second furnace will be offline while a new caster is installed.

US Steel Granite City WorksThe previously announced temporary closure would have affected 2,080 employees at the plant.

Illinois U.S. Rep. Mike Bost (IL-12), a member of the Congressional Steel Caucus, was pleased with the announcement.

“I couldn’t be happier that the vast majority of steelworkers at Granite City Works will remain on the job and able to provide for their family,” said Rep. Bost. “These hardworking Southern Illinoisans now have more certainty about their future, but that doesn’t mean the fight for our plant is over. You shouldn’t have to wait until your house burns down before being able to call on the fire department. That’s why we’ve introduced legislation that will help ensure companies have more effective and timely tools to combat illegal foreign trade practices. No American should lose their job because other countries violate the rules.”

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