Final Thoughts

Final Thoughts

Written by John Packard

We will publish our steel survey results tomorrow for our Premium Level members. Look for them to be on the website by early afternoon.

The upcoming Steel Summit will be held iat the South side of the Georgia International Convention Center (GICC). The south side is the closest to the SkyTrain and the Marriott Gateway Hotel where most of our guests will be staying. The south side is the side that does not face Camp Creek Parkway.

We have outgrown and will need to expand one of the meeting rooms due to the size of the crowd already registered for the conference. Our plan has been to work out of two meeting rooms, one set up classroom style and one with round tables where we would eat and have some of our keynote presentations. Besides the rooms we will have our breaks, booths and cocktail party in the south lobby of the GICC.

If you are interested in learning more about any of our workshops we will have a booth and all of our instructors at the conference.

Reminders for those attending our Steel Summit Conference:

1) Dress is business casual.

2) Day 1 is Wednesday, September 3, 2014 – Registration will be available at the Atlanta Airport Marriott Gateway Hotel from 4-6 PM on Tuesday, September 2nd and then in the South Lobby of the Georgia   International Convention Center (GICC) from 7:30 AM until 11 AM. Coffee will be available but breakfast will not be served on Wednesday morning.

3) Day 1 – Pre-Summit Advanced High Strength Steels program begins at 8:30 AM and ends at approximately 9:30 AM.

4) Day 1 – Full Conference begins at 10:00 AM sharp. The Day 1 activities will last until 6:30 PM with a networking/cocktail party running from 5 PM until 6:30 PM.

5) Day 2 is Thursday, September 4, 2014 and the day begins at 7:30 AM with breakfast in the Georgia International Convention Center (GICC) followed by John Ferriola’s keynote address.

6) Day 2 should end by no later than 4 PM.

The SkyTrain takes you directly from the airport to the hotel and GICC. There is no cost to ride the SkyTrain. The hotel and convention center is the first stop and then the SkyTrain goes on to the car rental main building. The time to go from the airport to the hotel (or vice versa) is approximately 5 minutes.

If you have any questions please check our website under the Events tab (Steel Summit) or call our office: 800-432-3475 (706-216-5440). You can also email us at:

As always your business is truly appreciated.

John Packard, Publisher

See you in ATL!


Latest in Final Thoughts

Final Thoughts

We never eat chicken on New Year’s Day. My Irish-Catholic grandmother thought it was bad luck – because chickens scratch backward. And one should start the year looking forward. But it’s hard to avoid the fact that we’re carrying a lot 2024 issues (and even 2023 ones) forward into 2025. That’s not all bad. We’re starting 2025 with SMU’s hot-rolled coil price at $675/per short ton (st). That’s $370/st lower than $1045/st at the outset of 2023, according to our interactive pricing tool. I think we can safely say that a decline of that magnitude won’t happen in 2025.