Final Thoughts

Final Thoughts

Written by John Packard

New York City must not want me to come visit. I have been trying to visit but, Mother Nature has not been cooperating. I guess it is Mother Nature that doesn’t want me to visit New York City.

In December I was scheduled to attend the American Institute for International Steel (AIIS) dinner and my flight to LaGuardia was cancelled due to fog. LaGuardia was closed. Flights were leaving the next day but, alas, the dinner was for that evening. Trip cancelled.

Today I was scheduled to fly to New York City so I could attend the AHR Expo and meet with clients of a metals and mining analyst in the city. I figured I had it made. I knew the weather reports called for 3″ to 8″ of snow during the day and evening but, it was not supposed to begin until noon. My flight was at 8:50 and would arrive at 11 AM. The plane was loaded and ready to back out of the gate when the pilot called for mechanics to make a minor repair. The 30 minutes it took was long enough for the snow to begin falling (in earnest I am told) at LaGuardia. Once again my plans to visit New York City were foiled by Mother Nature.

I have promised to return – but not until April… Of course with my luck and Mother Nature’s attitude, LaGuardia could be closed due to heavy inbound geese traffic or thick grass, tree and flower pollen….

To those of you who are either living in New York City or made it there prior to the latest little hiccup provided by Mother Nature – enjoy the snow, cold and the slush surely to follow and I will see you in the Spring.

For all of you up in the Northeast, Upper Midwest and other spots around the nation where it has been cold, snowy and miserable so far this winter. We have a proposition for you – how would you like to go someplace a little warmer, close to the ocean where you can learn more about making and selling steel? We have just the place – Mobile, Alabama – the dates are February 4 & 5, 2014 and the reason is our Steel 101: Introduction to Steelmaking & Market Fundamentals workshop. You will not be disappointed. You will learn something. You will enjoy the tour of the SSAB steel mill which is part of our two day program. Contact me to ask any questions you might have. We still have spots open and we would love to add your name or someone from your company to our list of those attending. I can be reached at: or by phone at: 800-432-3475.

As always we thank you for your business as it is truly appreciated by all of us here at Steel Market Update.

John Packard, Publisher




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