Steel Mills

EPA Has No Issues with Nucor Louisiana Permits

Written by John Packard

Another steel-related publication produced an article on September 18th regarding a lawsuit brought by the Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality against the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The lawsuit is regarding air permits issued to Nucor Louisiana for their DRI operation which is about to begin operations.


Nucor, in a letter to investors and analysts, reported that the lawsuit and recent rulings regarding the appropriate court to hear the litigation would not impact their air permits. In the letter Nucor said, “Most importantly, this ruling and the litigation itself does not represent a ‘hurdle’… to our Louisiana DRI plant’s start-up and operation. During the hearing, the EPA stated they were satisfied with the Nucor Steel – Louisiana permits and had no challenge to them.”

Nucor then went on to state that the litigation is regarding EPA procedural issues that are not specific to their air permits for the DRI facility.

Earlier this week, Nucor advised that the DRI plant was in the hot commissioning stage and is expected to begin operations within the next few weeks.

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