Steel Products

Final Thoughts

Written by John Packard

On Monday we will begin our mid-August steel market survey.  If you receive an invitation we hope you will spend a few minutes and click on the link provided in the invitation and respond to our questionnaire.

As mentioned late last week our Steel 101 workshop is sold out and we have at least one person on a waiting list. We will make an announcement regarding next year’s schedule in the coming weeks.

As mentioned in our first article regarding Mario Longhi becoming U.S. Steel’s next CEO his first challenge may well be the negotiations with the Lake Erie Works union which has been locked out by the company for a number of months. With the change in management and the union traveling to Pittsburgh we have to assume something will get done and an agreement will be made with the union.  If that happens it would most likely be close to the end of September before the Lake Erie plant could be back to full production.

A quick reminder that most, if not all, of our graphics and tables included in our articles are “clickable” so you can see them in a larger format.

We continue to gather new testimonials for our new website.  If you have some good words about Steel Market Update, our product and/or our people please send it to: We thank you in advance for your kind words.

As always your business is truly appreciated by all of us here at Steel Market Update.

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